Written by: Drew Graham, Esq. Most nursing homes have been functioning at the highest level of vigilance for several weeks, restricting visitation, entry of non-essential healthcare personnel, and residents’ group activities. On May 18, 2020,
USPTO Offers Free Fast Track for Small Businesses on COVID-19 Applications
Written by: Karl Braun, Esq., Justin Kerenyi, Esq., Daniel Miller, Esq., and Rodney Miller, Esq. The United States Patent and Trademark Office is giving small businesses and micro entities priority examination without the usual fees in an ef
COVID-19 Pandemic Brings Force Majeure Clause To The Center Of Contract Negotiations
Written by: H. Buckley Cole, Esq. Force majeure clauses have been commonly found in contracts, often buried with numerous “Miscellaneous Provisions” at the back of the contract. They were rarely negotiated or litigated over. Bu
Florida Long Term Care and COVID-19 Update
Written by: J. Drew Piersa, Esq. As of May 10, 2020, 703 residents or staff members of long-term care facilities have died from coronavirus related illnesses; accounting for 41% of Florida’s COVID-19 deaths. Florida health department officials
European Data Protection Board Issues Guidelines On The Use of Location Data and Contact Tracing Tools In the Context of COVID-19
Written by: Richard Sheinis, Esq. Unlike the United States, where Senators are first introducing legislation to deal with the use of personal information in the context of COVID-19, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) relies
Senators Introduce Bill to Protect Personal Data Amidst COVID-19
Written by: Richard Sheinis, Esq. On April 30, 2020, Republican Senators Wicker (MS), Thune (SD), Moran (KS) and Blackburn (TN), announced the introduction of the “COVID-19 Consumer Data Protection Act,” intended to protect health, g
Telemedicine and Workers’ Compensation Fraud
Written by: Denise L. Dawson, Esq. Florida has taken steps to move forward into an enlightened age of technology but may be setting itself up for increased fraud from unscrupulous actors. As recently as last month, the State’s Chief Financial
Florida Long Term Care and COVID-19 Update
Written by: J. Drew Piersa, Esq. As of May 10, 2020, 703 residents or staff members of long-term care facilities have died from coronavirus related illnesses; accounting for 41% of Florida’s COVID-19 deaths. Florida health department officials
What Should Employers Do When Employees Refuse To Return To Work For Fear Of COVID-19?
Written by: Melanie V. Slaton, Esq., Mariel E. Smith, Esq., and Nicholas J. Garcia, Esq. As states struggle through the process of re-opening in the wake of COVD-19, many employers are also wrestling with the question of what to do about emplo
Cyber Liability Insurance Coverage During Covid-19 Pandemic
Written by: Asya-Lorrene Morgan, Esq. and C. Michael Johnson, Esq. Overnight, COVID-19 created a need for a large teleworking population, which has left businesses more vulnerable to phishing schemes and other malicious cyber activity. The recen