Hall Booth Smith Named as One of “Atlanta’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For”

Congratulations to Hall Booth Smith’s Atlanta office for being recognized by the National Association for Business Resources (NABR) as one of “Atlanta’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For®” in 2019. This is the seventh consecutive year HBS has received this honor.

“Achieving this recognition from employee surveys is certainly rewarding,” said Cathey Turner, Firm Administrator at HBS. “It renews our continuing commitment to be a family of employees, providing a positive working environment with good benefits and career advancement opportunities.”

The Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® competition identifies and honors organizations that display a commitment to excellence in their human resource practices and employee enrichment. Organizations are assessed based on categories such as communication, work-life balance, employee education, diversity, recognition, retention and more.

“We are honored to recognize the efforts of this year’s ‘Best and Brightest’ companies. These
companies have created impressive organizational value and business results through their
policies and best practices in human resource management. This award has become a designation
sought after by hundreds of Metro Atlanta companies and is a powerful recruitment tool in the
drive to attract and retain exceptional employees,” said Jennifer Kluge, President and CEO, Best and Brightest Programs.”

The full list of winners can be seen here: https://thebestandbrightest.com/events/atlantas-2019-best-and-brightest-companies-to-work-for/winners/

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