Part B News: David McLean on Physician Expectations for No Surprises Act Implementation
In a Part B News story on what physician practices can expect at the implementation of the No Surprises Act on January 1, 2021, which seeks to eliminate surprise billing for health care services without prior consent or knowledge by the patient, Atlanta-based Partner David McLean explains what providers can do to prepare.
“Providers should familiarize themselves not only with the federal No Surprises Act requirements, but also any applicable state laws which prohibit or limit balance billing in ways that may differ from the federal laws and rules,” he said. David goes on to say that while providers have a right to refuse service to patients who won’t sign consent for out-of-network charges, “you may have an obligation to provide them with a list of in-network providers who may be able to provide that care.”
Subscribers to Part B News may read the complete article here.
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