Is Everyone Disabled Now???
The EEOC issued final regulations interpreting the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (“ADAAA”) on March 25, 2011, and those regulations took effect this week. The purpose of the amendments was to make it easier for a per
Law firm opens office in Georgia…the country
From the Nashville Post Law firm Hall, Booth, Smith P.C., has opened its first overseas office in the Republic of Georgia, the breakaway nation-state formerly governed by the U.S.S.R. One reason Hall Booth Smith went to the other side of the wor
HBS Attorneys Given Plaque in Appreciation for Work with Local High School
The South Atlanta School of Law and Social Justice recently awarded Hall Booth Smith a plaque in appreciation of four attorneys’ dedicated volunteer work with the school’s mock trial team. The attorneys were: Dana Jentszch, Chris
HBS on History Channel
HBS attorneys, Brad Carver and Scott Cole, escorted the History Channel Network to the Camack Stone site at the Alabama-Tennessee-Georgia boundary location alongside the Tennessee River. The modern day boundary dispute was profiled as part o