ACC Docket: Richard Sheinis on Developing a Strategic Privacy Program Across Different Jurisdictions
In an article published in the Association of Corporate Counsel’s ACC Docket, Hall Booth Smith Partner Richard Sheinis and ParkMobile Chief Legal and Privacy Officer Tony Stewart share what it takes to develop a strategic privacy program that deals with data privacy laws from different jurisdictions.
Listed chief in their recommendations are data mapping and data inventory, of which they said, “If we had only six hours to develop a data privacy program, we would spend the first four inventorying and mapping our company’s personal data.” Until you do, you cannot know what privacy laws apply.
Other recommendations include business alignment and clear role definition for legal and privacy teams. Once those pieces are in place, Richard and Tony said companies should explore issues related to data security and documentation before moving on to operationalizing and monitoring privacy.
“A well-planned privacy program will reduce risk and save a company time and money in the long run,” they explained. “Most importantly, it will let you sleep better at night!”
Read the full article on ACC Docket
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