Dutch Court Goes Too Far In Enforcing Privacy Regulation
Written by: Richard Sheinis, Esq. A Dutch court has ruled that a grandmother is violating the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation by posting photographs of her grandchildren on her social media account without the consent of the children
Relief for Commercial Landlords or Tenants in the Federal CARES Act?
Written by: Matthew Haan, Esq. In response to the hardship being felt by millions of Americans caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The Act contains a number of provisio
COVID-19 in Jails and Prisons – US Supreme Court Asked to Stay Ohio Injunction Requiring Transfer of Inmates
Written by: Phillip E. Friduss, Esq. There have now been any number of COVID-related challenges to the conditions of confinement in jails/prisons nationwide, especially with respect to the elderly inmate population. Two weeks ago we reported o
Do Opioid Patients Face Higher Risk During COVID-19 Treatment?
Learn more about our Opioid Task Force here. People struggling with opioid use disorder (OUD) and methamphetamine use may encounter more serious risks if they develop COVID-19 because of the way those drugs already affect their respiratory and p
Washington D.C. Amends Data Breach Notification Statute
Written by: Charles R. Langhorne IV, Esq. Washington D.C. amended its data breach notification statute at the end of March. The new law is set to take effect by June 13, 2020. This is the first update to the law since it was passed in 2007. Pers
COVID-19 And Workers’ Compensation Liability Policy Coverage
Written by: Rayford Taylor, Esq. It has been suggested that if an employee cannot obtain workers’ compensation benefits because of COVID-19, that employee might sue the employer under the employer’s liability portion of a workers
HHS Reduces Enforcement of HIPAA Violations for COVID-19 Community Based Testing Sites
Written by: Brett Lawrence, Esq. On April 14, 2020, The Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) Office of Civil Rights (“OCR”) announced it will exercise further enforcement discretion in easing back penalties f
Written by: Drew Graham, Esq. Most nursing homes have been functioning at the highest level of vigilance for several weeks, restricting visitation, entry of non-essential healthcare personnel, and residents’ group activities. On May 18, 2020,
USPTO Offers Free Fast Track for Small Businesses on COVID-19 Applications
Written by: Karl Braun, Esq., Justin Kerenyi, Esq., Daniel Miller, Esq., and Rodney Miller, Esq. The United States Patent and Trademark Office is giving small businesses and micro entities priority examination without the usual fees in an ef
COVID-19 Pandemic Brings Force Majeure Clause To The Center Of Contract Negotiations
Written by: H. Buckley Cole, Esq. Force majeure clauses have been commonly found in contracts, often buried with numerous “Miscellaneous Provisions” at the back of the contract. They were rarely negotiated or litigated over. Bu