To Produce or not to Produce?
Written By: Lauren K. Dimitri, Esq. In July of this year, the Appellate Division of the State Board of Workers’ Compensation rendered a decision on surveillance that has created quite the buzz in the Comp community. The Employee in State Boar
Using a “Credit Shelter” or a “Bypass” Trust in Your Will: a Good Thing or a Terrible (Tax) mistake? (and Why You Should Review Your Existing Will!)
Written by: Wills, Trusts, & Estate Administration Unfortunately, there is far from a one-size-fits-all answer. My October blog explored the use (or risks) of these trusts in older Wills as related to the possibility of inadvertently disinh
Georgia Supreme Court Limits Public School Campus Carry
Written by: Eric Hoffman, Esq. On Monday October 31, 2016, the Georgia Supreme Court unanimously held that firearms cannot be carried onto public K-12 school property unless the licensed gun owner is picking up or dropping off a student. In Ge
Do Employees Get Time Off to Vote?
Written by: Don Benson, Esq. With every election, employers need to revisit their rules on letting employees off to vote, and whether such leave needs to be paid leave. For the most part, this will be governed by the state law of where the empl
Regularly Getting it Wrong
Written by: David S. Dix, Esq. For many employers in Georgia, Workers’ Compensation is simply fact of life and a cost of doing business. However, for smaller businesses with fewer employees, Workers’ Compensation may not be a foregone con
Recent 7th Circuit Case Illustrates the Two Different Approaches to Deliberate Indifference
Written by: Jennifer Herzog, Esq. & Nick Kinsley The 7th Circuit, sitting en banc, recently decided a case involving the issue of deliberate indifference and the Eighth Amendment in regard to correctional healthcare in which the majority a
2016 Correctional Health Care Industry Attendance
Written by: Beth Boone, Esq. Hall Booth Smith, PC (HBS) proudly participated in several national correctional and correctional health care conferences in 2016, including exhibiting at the American Correctional Association’s Annual Conference
U.S. Government Seeks to Impose Lower Speeds on Heavy Vehicles
Written by: Ashley Gowder Mitchell, Esq. The Transportation Department’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration are seeking to forcibly limit how fast commercial vehicles can travel
Breakthrough Trademark Decision on Free Speech from United States Court of Appeals
Written by: Sam Crochet, Esq. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit recently reviewed the constitutionality of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board’s (TTAB) holding that a mark was unregistrable due to its “disparaging” nature. “
Did You Really Intend to Disinherit Your Spouse!?……The Importance of Reviewing Your Last Will and Testament Pursuant to Recent Changes in the Estate Tax Laws
Written by: Wills, Trusts, & Estate Planning There have been substantial changes in the estate and gift tax laws since 1997, and particularly in the last 5 years. These changes may result in extreme ‘bad’ consequences under estate plan