USCIS revises mission statement

Written by: Ashik R. Jahan, Esq. and Ivo Kaitschick

As of February 9, 2022, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has changed their mission statement to read: “USCIS upholds America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility with fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve.”

The new statement shifts the focus away from safety and homeland security, priorities previously expressed by the prior administration. According to USCIS, the change is a result of employee feedback, which the agency requested last year, and the differing view on immigration between the previous and current administration, as well as the vision of the USCIS director, Ur M. Jaddou.

Ms. Jaddou expressed her view on immigration, highlighting USCIS’ task of serving those that wish to immigrate, for family, employment and humanitarian reasons alike. Further, she underlined USCIS’ commitment to an “accessible and humane” system. She went on to say that every granted immigration or naturalization benefit would create “the opportunity to help us build a stronger America” and that by “offer[ing] refuge to those in need of protection we are living up to our nation’s highest ideals”.


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