Since the Celebration at Studio 417, it has been Mudpie in the Sky for COVID-19 Business Interruption Claimants
Written by: Jacob Raehn, Esq. In the final days of summer, Federal District Courts from every corner of The United States have laid down orders both for, and mostly against, allowing plaintiffs’ COVID-19 business interruption claims to continu
The Georgia Department of Public Health Issues Reopening Guidance to Long-Term Care Facilities
On September 15, 2020, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp issued another COVID-19 related Executive Order with significant impact on Long-Term Care Facilities, including nursing facilities and assisted living communities...
Judge Strikes Down Trump Administration’s Diversity Visa Ban
Written by: Ashik Jahan, Esq. Each year, the State Department uses a lottery system to select visa recipients from a broad array of countries that are underrepresented in the United States. In April, President Trump banned diversity visa (DV) re
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Withhold Release Orders: Avoid and Prepare
Written by: John Parkerson, Esq. and Fanny Chac The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) has a responsibility to encourage importers to comply with U.S. laws and regulations and to help protect American consumers from harmful p
Global Engagement in the “New Abnormal”
Hall Booth Smith international business attorney John Parkerson has been working with Pendleton Group and Global Atlanta to bring together local and international leaders for interactive, topical Zoom discussions on how communities can recast th
11th Circuit Court of Appeals Holds For Third-Party Litigation Funders in Qui Tam Actions
Written by: Ricky C Benjamin, Esq., and Leanne Livingston, Esq. While False Claims Act (“FCA”) cases are expected to increase due to government funding for COVID-19 efforts, health care providers should also expect more litigation
Expectations In Reopening A Dental Office In Consideration of COVID-19
Written by: Sandro Stojanovic, Esq. The Georgia Board of Dentistry (“the Board”) recently issued a position statement regarding guidelines for re-opening of dental offices in light of Covid-19 issues. First, the Board requires each d
New York Federal Judge Strikes Down Several Key Parts of COVID-19 Paid Leave Regulation Including The Definition of “Health Care Provider”
Written by: Jacqueline Voronov, Esq. and Jeffrey M. Daitz, Esq. In a very pro-employee ruling, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York struck down four (4) key provisions of the U.S. Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) regu
Phased Resumption of Routine Visa Services
Written by: Ashik R. Jahan, Esq. The Department of State suspended routine visa services worldwide in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Another Arrow in the Quiver or a Regulatory Risk? Analyzing SB 359’s Immunities for Georgia Providers in the Fight Against COVID-19 Liability
As Georgia continues to reopen, the Georgia General Assembly’s recent passage of Senate Bill 359, known as the “Georgia COVID-19 Pandemic Business Safety Act," will provide relief to individuals and entities concerned with possible liability