What Should Employers Do When Employees Refuse To Return To Work For Fear Of COVID-19?
Written by: Melanie V. Slaton, Esq., Mariel E. Smith, Esq., and Nicholas J. Garcia, Esq. As states struggle through the process of re-opening in the wake of COVD-19, many employers are also wrestling with the question of what to do about emplo
Cyber Liability Insurance Coverage During Covid-19 Pandemic
Written by: Asya-Lorrene Morgan, Esq. and C. Michael Johnson, Esq. Overnight, COVID-19 created a need for a large teleworking population, which has left businesses more vulnerable to phishing schemes and other malicious cyber activity. The recen
NC Grants COVID-19 Immunity to Health Care Providers and Essential Businesses
Written by: Jeffrey Steven Warren, Esq. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, clinicians and policymakers alike have raised the alarm about potential legal liability for following crisis standards of care. All 50 states have issued an emer
Colliding Epidemics: COVID-19 and Opioid Addiction
Learn more about our Opioid Task Force here. With millions of Americans already struggling with opioid addiction, the coronavirus outbreak has many health care officials worried that socially marginalized people who already have underlying healt
US Supreme Court Ready to Sit Down to a Full Plate of Qualified Immunity
Written by: Phillip E. Friduss, Esq. Our Supreme Court Justices are about to sit down to an unprecedented feast of qualified immunity. That feast will be served during its May 15 conference, where the Court will consider thirteen different qua
Georgia Applicable State Immunity For COVID-19 Cases
Written by: Stephanie R. Amiotte, Esq. COVID-19 is a pandemic nobody was prepared for and nobody wanted to happen. Its effects on the incarcerated population, particularly those with fragile health or advanced age will likely result in increased
Supreme Court Sides With Lucky Brand on Defense Preclusion
Written by: Karl Braun, Esq., Justin Kerenyi, Esq., Daniel Miller, Esq., and Rodney Miller, Esq. The U.S. Supreme Court sided with apparel maker Lucky Brand on the applicability of “defense preclusion” about whether and under which circumsta
The Basics of Probate and Estate Administration
Written by: Wills, Trusts, & Estate Administration I. In General. Probate is generally a relatively simple process in Georgia and Alabama, if you have a valid Will. It is much less of a hassle to administer an estate under a Will, and your
An Unprecedented Time: De-Carcerating & Other Steps Being Taken in Georgia’s Jails and Prisons as the Result of COVID-19
Written by: Jennifer Dorminey Herzog, Esq. Because of policies of mass incarceration over the past four decades, the United States has incarcerated more people than any other country on Earth.[1] Highly transmissible novel respiratory pathogen
Yes, it’s True: You Cannot Sue a Dog— Or a Cat, for That Matter
Written by: Phillip E. Friduss, Esq. This column originally appeared in the June 2017 issue of the Georgia’s Cities newspaper. After suffering from brain freeze and writer’s block just days before my deadline, and on the verge of writing