Obtain Counsel Early When Attempting to Sell Your Dental Practice
The sale or purchase of any business is a long, complicated process. This is especially so when it comes to a dental practice. Imagine, a group of busy dentists attempting to effectively compile, review, and complete stacks of documents while co
Palmetto Gasoline Pipeline Update
The Kinder Morgan Palmetto Gasoline Pipeline was recently blocked by the Georgia DOT Commissioner. Kinder Morgan is appealing the agency decision to Superior Court. The DOT decision will only be overruled if it was found to be arbitrary an
Legislative Changes to the Georgia Workers’ Compensation effective July 1, 2015
As you may know the Georgia Legislature meets during the first quarter of each year. Every couple of years they will make revisions to our laws in an effort to keep up with the times and to react to issues we all face in the actual practice of a
Medjacking. . . Hackers Hi-Jacking Medical Devices
In recent posts I have discussed the need for security to keep hackers from injecting malware into medical devices. Now, TrapX Laboratories has issued a paper on an attack vector called MEDJACK, or “Medical Device Hi-Jack” (http://trapx.com/
Building Code for Medical Device Software Security
Earlier this month I published a Post on, “The Importance of Cyber Security in Telemedicine”, highlighting the importance of security for medical devices that can be hacked. Almost as if on cue, or more likely the result of lucky timing, on
Workers’ Compensation and Initial Authorized Medical Treatment in the Southeast
Aside from emergency medical treatment that may be required for a worker injured on the job, states in the southeast (SC, NC, AL, TN, FL, GA, MS and LA) have different rules regarding the initial authorized medical treatment for injured workers.
Communication within the Workers’ Compensation System
Communication is one of the most important aspects of a well-managed, successful workers’ compensation program. It is extremely important to establish good relationships with supervisors, employees, and medical providers both prior to and afte
Haleigh’s Hope Act Is Georgia’s New Medical Marijuana Law
You can add Georgia to the list of states that have a medical marijuana law. As of April 16, 2015, Haleigh’s Hope Act permits patients suffering from cancer (if the cancer is end stage or the treatment produces related wasting illness, recalci
The Importance Of Cyber Security In Telemedicine
Telemedicine is coming to a hospital or medical office near you. What is telemedicine? Simply put, telemedicine is when the medical provider is in one location and the patient is in another. The medical professional uses telecommunication techno
Distinguishing Between Fictional New Accidents, Changes In Condition, And Super-Added Injuries
A recent decision from the Georgia Court of Appeals, ABF Freight Systems v. Presley, 330 Ga. App. 885 (2015), illustrates how difficult it can sometimes be to distinguish between fictional new accidents, changes in condition, and super-added in