Stunt Performer’s $8 Million Judgement Was Reversed Because Employers Had Workers’ Compensation Immunity
Written by: Rayford H. Taylor, Esq. The case of Stalwart Films, LLC v. Bernecker, 855 S.E.2d 120 (2021) involved a wrongful death action brought by a stunt performer’s family against the film production company and television show producer all
Stunt Performer’s $8 Million Judgement Was Reversed Because Employers Had Workers’ Compensation Immunity
Written by: Rayford H. Taylor, Esq. The case of Stalwart Films, LLC v. Bernecker, 855 S.E.2d 120 (2021) involved a wrongful death action brought by a stunt performer’s family against the film production company and television show producer all
A Florida Appellate Court Ruled Cancellation of a Workers’ Compensation Policy for Nonpayment Was Effective, Even Though the Insured Employer Had a Certificate of Insurance
Written by: Rayford Taylor, Esq. The First District Court of Appeal recently issued an opinion in the case of Dennis F. Scott v. James A. Jones Construction Co. v. Central Florida Siding Pros, LLC, et al., Case No. 1D20-689 (Fla. 1st DCA March 1
2021 Florida Workers’ Compensation Legislation
Written by: Rayford H. Taylor Esq. The Florida Legislature began its annual session on March 2, 2021 and will conclude on April 30, 2021, absent any extensions. There have been three bills introduced thus far which seeks to amend Chapter 440 F
Georgia Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy – A Brief Discussion
Written by: Rayford H. Taylor, Esq. Georgia employers are generally aware they must purchase and maintain workers’ compensation insurance to operate within the state. Those employers obtain coverage for themselves and their employees, but ofte
Florida Employer/Carriers Should Specifically Identify Each Body Part and the Type of Injury Accepted as Compensable
Written by: Rayford H. Taylor, Esq. The First District Court of Appeal (1st DCA) issued an opinion in the case of Julio Sanchez v. Yellow Transportation/Gallagher Bassett, which held the Claimant did not have to establish the workplace accident
What Constitutes Provision Of An Alternate Physician In Florida?
Written by: Rayford H. Taylor, Esq. The First District Court of Appeal (First District) in City of Bartow v. Flores, 1D18-1927 (May 29, 2020) has certified a question of great public importance to the Florida Supreme Court on the issue of when a
COVID-19 And Workers’ Compensation Liability Policy Coverage
Written by: Rayford Taylor, Esq. It has been suggested that if an employee cannot obtain workers’ compensation benefits because of COVID-19, that employee might sue the employer under the employer’s liability portion of a workers
Written by: Rayford H. Taylor, Esq. Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, Jimmy Patronis, has issued Directive 2020-05 to provide workers’ compensation coverage to “frontline state employees” who contract COVID-19. Florida’s Risk Manage
Written by: Rayford Taylor, Esq. Teresita DeJesus Abreu v. Riverland Elementary School and Broward County School Board, So.3d (Fla. 1st DCA June 18, 2019). In 2015, the Claimant injured her shoulder while at work. The Employer/Carrier accepte