You’ve Been Warned – What You Need to Know about New Jersey’s Expanded WARN Act
On January 10, 2023, Governor Murphy signed legislation significantly amending the NJ Warn Act, which became effective April 10, 2023. The most important changes are as follows...
HHS Publishes New Cybersecurity Resources
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Information Security recently published new cybersecurity resources with the goal of mitigating common cybersecurity threats in the health care sector. HHS Resources Webinars: Thes
The Construction Industry’s Cyber Vulnerability is a C-Suite Risk
Written by: Jade Davis, Esq. Continued technological advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, and remote and cloud-operated machinery have amplified the need for the construction industry to have a robust cyber risk strategy. As a result,
Court Rejects Insurance Carrier’s Broad Interpretation of Exclusion of Specific Antitrust Matters
Written by: Nneka A. Egwuatu Anunobi, Esq. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California recently rejected an attempt by Everest National Insurance Company to deny coverage for antitrust lawsuits involving Foster Farms, LLC’s
Sea Change Court Ruling on Settlements of Workers’ Compensation Cases in South Carolina
Written by: Dan Addison, Esq. South Carolina recently had a sea change shift in settlements involving workers’ compensation claims, as well as the procedural nature of Mediations of any workers comp case. In a recent decision from the South Ca
Funding in Complex Construction Litigation: Strategies and Best Practices to Turn the Tables on Funding-Backed Plaintiffs
Written by: Matthew J. Lang, Esq. Background Litigation funding is not new. Since litigation funding was conceived, it has been a proverbial thorn in the sides of defense attorneys and insurance adjusters. Those defense attorneys and adjusters w
Medicaid Unwinding: 4 Steps Nursing Facilities Should Take as the Public Health Emergency Ends
At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), allowing the federal government to take on a greater share of Medicaid costs and expanding protections for consumers...
2023 Florida Tort Reform
Written by: Shylie A. Bannon, Esq. | Print Blog Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed significant tort reform legislation into law after House Bill 837 passed through the House and its companion bill was passed in the Senate. This is the
Florida’s One-Time Change Provision & Consequences for Employer/Carrier Failure to Act
Written by: Rayford H. Taylor, Esq. In Florida, a failure by an employer/carrier to promptly grant an employee’s change of physician deprives the employer/carrier of the right to select the doctor, as once again, Florida courts have been c