USCIS Announces Temporary Suspension of All Routine In-Person Visits Due to COVID-19
Written by: Ashik Jahan, Esq., and Cody Hendrix USCIS has announced that it will temporarily suspend all routine in-person visits to help slow the spread of COVID-19. They will suspend such meetings until at least April 1, 2020. All non in-perso
ACOG Provides Guidance to Healthcare Practitioners Whose Patients Are “At-Risk” For Coronavirus Disease-2019
Written by: Ryan Donihue, Esq. With the focus of the global pandemic principally on older adults and those who have serious underlying medical conditions (e.g., heart disease, diabetes, asthma and lung disease), another significant group of indi
Premium Processing Suspended for FY 2021 H-1B Cap Until June 29, 2020
Written by: Ashik Jahan, Esq., and Cody Hendrix USCIS has placed a temporary suspension on premium processing services for fiscal year 2021 cap H-1B Petitions. This means that petitioners will not be able to request nor file for premium processi
HHS Releases Bulletin Waiving Certain Provisions of HIPAA
Written by: Chase Langhorne, Esq. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) released a bulletin this week waiving sanctions and penalties as of March 15, 2020 for non-compliance with certain provisions of HIPAA. The waiver cen
Does a Government’s Late Change of an Unconstitutional Policy Moot Nominal-Damages Claims?
Written by: Phillip E. Friduss, Esq. Currently knocking on the Supreme Court’s door for permission to be heard is a Georgia Free Speech case questioning whether a government’s post-(lawsuit) filing change of an unconstitutional policy mo
The Department of Health and Human Services Issues Declaration under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (“PREP Act”)
Written by: Christopher Eads, Esq. The Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) recently issued a declaration under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (“PREP Act”) Act to provide immunity to liability for activities r
Hospitality Industry Faces Multifront Crisis Amid COVID-19 Outbreak: Key Considerations for Stakeholders
Written by: James R. Embrey, Esq., and John G. Winkenwerder, Esq. The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has spread to at least 95 countries and has sickened more than 100,000 people, leading to increased anxiety and confusion across the globe. As
Workers’ Compensations and Compensability of the COVID-19 Virus in Georgia
Written by: Meredith Knight, Esq. Over the past week, multiple questions have arisen regarding whether contracting COVID-19 is a compensable workers’ compensation event. The answer will almost always be no. In a few very fact-intensive cas
Written by: Jacqueline Voronov, Esq., Jeffrey M. Daitz, Esq., and Christopher Eads, Esq. Perhaps bipartisan bills really do exist? On March 14, 2020, the House of Representatives passed the Emergency Families First Coronavirus Response Act (R
USCIS Statement Regarding COVID-19 and the New Public Charge Rule
Written by Ashik Jahan, Esq. and Cody Hendrix USCIS has issued a statement informing immigrants who get tested or treated for COVID-19 that they will not be punished when seeking immigration benefits under the new public charge rule that was ush