What Are You Doing With Your Old Data?
As businesses accumulate more and more data, the chances are that a lot of this data becomes old, inaccurate, inactive, stale, or just plain not needed. The recent data breach at Adobe™ is a good lesson in why we should have specific procedu
Senate Passes Bill to Ban Discrimination Against Gays, Transgenders
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (“ENDA”, S. 815), originally introduced in Congress in 1994, passed the Senate yesterday by a 64-32 vote. ENDA would ban discrimination in the workplace on the basis of an individual
Dental Comedy-Don’t Be the Star
I had a grandmother that loved the Carol Burnett Show, and we logged many a Saturday night together watching the same. One of our favorite skits was Tim Conway as the dentist – www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfTyEtVIe84 . Even fellow actor Harve
Buying and Selling a Dental Practice
When buying or selling a dental practice, there are many factors both the Buyer and Seller must consider carefully. Some of the most difficult, from both Seller’s and Buyer’s prospective, are determining the value of the practice and purchas
News Update
Florida blames Decatur Co. farmers for using all the water Post Searchlight The two states are not strangers to water disputes and Georgia Governor … Scott told reporters that Georgia has engaged in “unchecked consumption of water … Stat
Breach Notification: Now It’s Your Burden of Proof
As of September 23, 2013, all covered entities, including dentists, are required to follow new HIPAA rules regarding the security of patient data. Among the most significant changes brought about by these rules are changes to when a covered enti
News Update
Fla. lawsuit may restart years of water litigation Gainesville Times For those believing the tri-state “water wars” were done with a 2012 U.S. Supreme Court decision favoring Georgia, along came legal action last week that could … Flor
Relevant News Updates
Scott and Bondi sue Georgia over water use Tampabay.com (blog) Florida Governor Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi followed through on their threat to sue Georgia over its water use that they blame for decimating … Glades Reservoir
Mandatory Implementation of Electronic Dental Records Required by 2014 to Avoid Penalties and to Take Advantage of Incentive Programs
It would be the understatement of the year to say that we have officially reached the digital age. Everywhere you look, you see people glued to their smartphones, tablets and laptop computers. Patients, and dentists alike, are obsessed with
Welcome Changes to Georgia’s Return to Work Statute Now in Effect
For many years, O.C.G.A. § 34-9-240 has provided a tool for compelling injured employees to return to light duty work, but this mechanism was often ineffective. Although it allowed an employer to unilaterally suspend income benefits if the in