Tampa Attorney Jade Davis Appointed to the Florida Bar Standing Committee on Cybersecurity and Privacy Law
Hall Booth Smith congratulates Tampa office Of Counsel Jade Davis on her appointment to the Florida Bar Standing Committee on Cybersecurity and Privacy Law.
About the Committee
As a member of the committee, Jade and her fellow committee members will study recent developments in law, legislation, and regulations in the field of cybersecurity and privacy law and keep the members of the Bar informed of significant developments in the field.
The committee will maintain liaison with agencies or local, state, and federal governments concerned with cybersecurity and privacy law; study and consider matters of legislation, regulations, or problems of cybersecurity and privacy law as developed by the committee or assigned to it by the president or the Board of Governors; and assist in developing continuing legal education courses for persons practicing in cybersecurity and privacy law.
Jade’s Background
Jade provides strategic privacy and cyber-preparedness compliance advice and defends, counsels, and represents companies on privacy, global data security compliance, data breaches, and investigations. She advises companies on best practices in privacy, cybersecurity, data, mobile, cloud storage, Ad Tech privacy, Internet of Things, and other areas of regulatory compliance.
Jade leads companies in legal assessments of data security and provides counsel to companies on how best to implement strategies to lead with data and avoid pitfalls. She helps companies strategically think about data while being mindful of global data protection laws. She enjoys helping clients deal with crisis management issues to protect the brand and leads forensic investigations.
Her data privacy and cyber security practice reaches into a variety of sectors to provide litigation defense, advisory assistance, and contractual expertise regarding data privacy agreements, standard contract clauses and addendums, vendor subcontracts, privacy policies, and cookie policies, to name a few.
About Hall Booth Smith
Established in 1989, Hall Booth Smith, P.C. is a full-service law firm headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Experienced across a wide range of legal disciplines, HBS attorneys pride themselves on providing knowledgeable, proactive, client-specific counsel to individuals, domestic and international corporations, state and federal agencies, and nonprofit organizations. The firm’s promise: “Serving to Achieve Excellence.”
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