Minimum Wage Changes in 2012

The federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is not currently scheduled to increase in 2012.
Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee are not scheduled to enact changes. In fact, Alabama, South Carolinaand Tennessee do not have individual state minimum wage statutes and therefore follow the federal minimum wage. Georgiahas a lower minimum wage of $5.15, so that it defers to the federal minimum wage when the federal law is applicable to an employer.
However, the following states will increase the minimum wage in 2012:
Arizona – $7.65
Colorado – $7.64
Florida – $7.67
Montana – $7.65
Ohio – $7.70
Oregon – $8.80
Vermont – $8.64
Washington – $9.04

States interpret the application of their minimum wage requirements differently.  Employers who have workers temporarily assigned to more than one state, or workers who regularly cross state boundaries to perform work in more than one state, should confirm whether or not the employer is obligated to conform with more than one state minimum wage statute regarding such an employee.

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