Hotel Executive: Jacqueline Voronov on 303 Creative, Free Speech, & the Hospitality Industry
In an article published in October 2023 in HotelExecutive, Paramus Partner Jacqueline Voronov discusses the 303 Creative decision and analyzes its impact on the hospitality industry.
“The decision’s implications can vary, as states have their own anti-discrimination laws and legal interpretations. Some states may use the decision to uphold strong anti-discrimination protections, while others might interpret it in ways that provide more leeway for religious objections,” says Jacqueline. “At its core, the 303 Creative ruling stands for the proposition that individuals cannot be compelled to use their creative talents in service of speech that they fundamentally disagree with. But where the line is drawn between what is protected ‘pure speech’ and what constitutes discrimination is now certainly tougher to discern.”
Subscribers can read the full article on the HotelExecutive website.
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Paramus Partner Jacqueline Voronov represents management in a wide variety of employment matters and litigating employment claims before administrative agencies and state and federal courts. Her clients include major hotels, retailers, shipping companies, and more.
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