Remote Work and COVID-19
Written by: Daniel Richardson, Esq. and Peter Skaliy, Esq. Before COVID-19, many companies were experimenting with remote work. It has now become a widespread reality. This creates unique worker’s compensation risks, even as it may decrease th
Dynamic Suggestions and Guidance for Rural Hospitals During COVID-19
HBS has prepared an overview of the programs and guidance available to Rural Hospitals along with some insight in how to utilize the tools available. They can be found here.
Governor Kemp Issues Executive Order Granting Temporary Legal Protections for Healthcare Providers During COVID-19 Pandemic
Written by: John E. Hall, Jr., Esq. and John G. Winkenwerder, Esq. Given the scale and intensity of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not difficult to imagine the challenges healthcare providers face every day in working to treat those infected with
Of Dogs and Privacy: The Warrantless Seizure of a Dog’s Blood, and all that Comes with it
This article originally appeared in the September 2016 issue of the Georgia’s Cities Magazine. Written by: Phillip E. Friduss, Esq. State v. Newcomb, 359 Or. 756 (2016) Act I: Juno Rescued Amanda Newcomb is out of money. Because of that,
Written by: Rayford H. Taylor, Esq. Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, Jimmy Patronis, has issued Directive 2020-05 to provide workers’ compensation coverage to “frontline state employees” who contract COVID-19. Florida’s Risk Manage
Are Countries Willing To Bend The Privacy Rules To Track COVID-19
Written by: Richard Sheinis, Esq. Many countries are using geolocation data from phones to track COVID-19. Singapore, the United Kingdom and Israel have developed their own apps for tracking people’s movements. In Europe, mobile phone
Estate Planning, Now as Much as Ever: Estate & Financial Planning Steps You Should Take
Written by: Wills, Trusts, & Estate Administration With the current coronavirus pandemic, what planning steps should you be taking? From an estate planning attorney’s perspective, it is actually business as usual, but perhaps with an added
New York’s S.H.I.E.L.D. Act Is Here
Written by: Charles R. Langhorne IV, Esq. The COVID-19 world that we are living in is has changed the perspective of many businesses from proactive to reactive. Businesses (rightly so) are concerned with making payroll so that their employees ca
Security Advice for Zoom Videoconferencing
Written by: Sean Cox, Esq. The COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread shelter in place orders have, temporarily at least, changed how humans interact. Luckily, there are more options today than ever before which allow many to maintain a modicum of
The Health Care Provider Exemption to Emergency Paid Sick Leave in the Families First Coronavirus Act
Written by: Jacqueline Voronov, Esq. and Jeffrey M. Daitz, Esq. On March 18, 2020, President Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) into law. The FFCRA modified the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and cre