Litigators Lounge: The Rapidly-Evolving Landscape of Employment Law in 2025
In this episode of Litigators Lounge, hosts Jackie Voronov & Shylie Bannon discuss the major shifts in employment law for 2025.
Litigators Lounge: Supreme Shakeup – What Overruling the Chevron Doctrine Means
The hosts dive into the recent Supreme Court decision to reject the Chevron doctrine, which had previously given federal agencies deference in interpreting ambiguities in statutes.
Litigators Lounge: Immigration Law for Agricultural & Seasonal Workers, with Misty Wilson Borkowski
Immigration law expert and HBS Little Rock Partner Misty Wilson Borkowski rejoins the hosts to discuss the complexities of immigration with agricultural and seasonal workers.
Litigators Lounge: The FTC Torpedoes Non-Competes
The hosts review the Federal Trade Commission’s recent proposal to ban non-compete clauses and agreements and the implications doing so may have for employers.
Litigators Lounge: Immigration Law for Employers, with Misty Wilson Borkowski
The hosts welcome immigration law expert and HBS Little Rock Partner Misty Wilson Borkowski to discuss the complexities of immigration within employment law.
Litigators Lounge: Interview with Teresa Pike Tomlinson
This episode of Litigators Lounge brings Women’s History Month to an end with special guest Teresa Pike Tomlinson, a partner in the HBS Columbus office.
Litigators Lounge: Equal Pay Day & the Ongoing Quest for Pay Equity
Jacqueline Voronov and Shylie Bannon examine the state of gender pay equity in recognition of Equal Pay Day on their Litigators Lounge podcast.
Litigators Lounge: Looking Back at 60 Years of Gender Discrimination & Title VII
On the newest episode of Litigators Lounge, Paramus Partner Jacqueline Voronov and Jacksonville Partner Shylie Bannon celebrate the start of Women’s History Month by discussing the history of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Litigators Lounge: Analyzing New Department of Labor Guidelines
This episode discusses the recently announced final rule by the U.S. Department of Labor on the classification of a worker as either an employee or independent contractor.
Litigators Lounge: Religious Accommodation in the Workplace
In the newest episode of Litigators Lounge, Jacqueline Voronov and Shylie Bannon discuss the implications of the Supreme Court ruling, Groff v. DeJoy, on employer handling of religious accommodations in the workplace