When Red Flags Just Can’t be Overlooked
The purpose of the Georgia Workers Compensation Act is to provide immediate medical care and wage replacement or income benefits for injured workers. But once these “red flags” are present the question arises: What can I do to stop this type
Returning Injured Workers to Work in Georgia
Written by: Daniel Richardson, Esq. The longer an employee stays out of work, the less likely they are to ever return. And workers compensation claims become increasingly expensive when employees do not return. To manage this exposure, it is imp
Sea Change Court Ruling on Settlements of Workers’ Compensation Cases in South Carolina
Written by: Dan Addison, Esq. South Carolina recently had a sea change shift in settlements involving workers’ compensation claims, as well as the procedural nature of Mediations of any workers comp case. In a recent decision from the South Ca
Florida’s One-Time Change Provision & Consequences for Employer/Carrier Failure to Act
Written by: Rayford H. Taylor, Esq. In Florida, a failure by an employer/carrier to promptly grant an employee’s change of physician deprives the employer/carrier of the right to select the doctor, as once again, Florida courts have been c
OSHA & Whistleblower Complaints: Wells Fargo Ordered to Pay $22 Million
Written by: Daniel Richardson, Esq. As employers seek to provide a safe workplace, it is imperative that no retaliatory action be taken against employees who choose to exercise their rights under the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act or o
North Carolina Court of Appeals Limits Seagraves Test: Implications for Employers
Written by: Laura Gregory, Esq. Recently, the North Carolina Court of Appeals issued a holding that declined to extend the Seagraves test, which is used by courts to determine whether an employee constructively refused suitable employment when t
Future Medical Benefits in Tennessee
Written by: Carolina Martin, Esq. Under Tennessee Workers’ Compensation law, an employee is entitled to lifetime medical treatment made reasonable and necessary by their compensable workplace injuries. This can be a daunting prospect for emplo
OSHA Announces a National Emphasis Program to Protect Workers from Heat Hazards
Written By: Daniel Richardson On October 27, 2021, OSHA published in the Federal Register an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on the issue of Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings. According to this
Guidance from South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission on Completion of Form 19
Written by: Margaret “Meg” H. Donahue, Esq. On March 23, 2022 The SC Workers’ Compensation Commission issued this advisory notice clarifying information to be included on the Form 19 at the close of a claim. The Commission has determin